Stories of Hope from Happy Clients

"I did the work on my own, and it would have been worth the investment just because of the person I became.

But I also saved my marriage!"

-Michelle (North Carolina, Married 16 years)

Dani Lewis

Our clients get results QUICKLY

"I was at my breaking point. I was ready to throw in the towel. I was definitely skeptical...when you can't figure out what's not working and you've tried all these other things, it was just taking too long. But by the 3rd week I started noticing a difference, and now it's leaps and bounds from turbulence to triumph!"

-Josh (Pennsylvania - Married 14 years)

"We struggled with forgiveness, trust, communication, and understanding each other. [This] has changed our marriage and our lives. Turnaround Marriage with Scott and Rachel was used by God to restore and repair our marriage!"

-Lori and Chris (Michigan - Married 14 years)

"Y’all made a huge turnaround difference in our marriage! This has helped not only our marriage, but helped us as individuals. It has helped me tremendously ...and we are getting POURED into instead of just complaining to someone! A few weeks ago, I called you in a desperate place & NOW we are LEAPS AND BOUNDS ahead of where we were!"

-Tamra & Tim (Georgia, Married 33 years)

"I wasn't feeling needed and that created problems. We weren't practicing grace with each other. We were in a gridlock. I was detached, checked out, and disconnected. Right away, though I had a sense of hope. Now, we have healing, grace, and have much more connection and open hearts toward each other."

-Matthew (Alabama - Married 33 years)

"[Turnaround Marriage] has saved my marriage and has brought Sarah and I close to each other and closer to God. Please don’t suffer; get help. I wish I had been open to it sooner. Marriage is a wonderful gift from God and this program gives you tools and helps have the marriage God wants for you."

-Jon (New York - Married 13 years)

"I would like to say that the Turnaround Marriage process was exactly what I needed to be involved in to save my marriage of 25 years. We had become so complacent over the last few years with Covid, a new home schooling routine, newly-aged teenagers, stressful jobs, the death of my oldest brother, etc. Life was complicated and too much!! I am a fixer in every way, but I just couldn’t fix all of that stuff at one time!! Who could?! I thought I could!! My biggest mistake is in thinking and not feeling!!
I reached out to my priest who suggested that we go to traditional marriage counseling, because my husband recently lost his faith in God, and I wouldn’t want him to be pushed away more from a religious solution to heal this. We have been going consistently since August, but it just wasn’t doing for me what I needed, God back in my life as a constant force. I needed a path back to Him to help me heal myself and my marriage. I had lost so much of me, my faith and my marriage at that point, and through the challenges I needed a push. Rachel and Scott gave that strength back to me with their loving and spiritual support.
I have been practicing these skills for the last nine weeks and they are working. I dove in head-first and gobbled up all of the lessons, learning as I went. I was desperate for a solution. I looked far and wide for something that would give me hope, and failed before I found these two, but this course was my saving grace.
After all of the work I have done, I can now officially announce that my husband and I are BOTH comfortably back in a loving, caring and committed relationship. God is very present in our lives and for that I am truly thankful. God is the reason!!" -Sarah (Texas - Married 19 years)

"I believe Turnaround Marriage was what we truly needed in just about all areas of our marriage. Our marriage was already in an emotional divorce state, and when God opened the door for us to find Turnaround Marriage, He knew it was the last option for us. I loved how it made me do a lot of self reflection and how Scott called me out on some of my stinking thinking. It has truly turned our marriage around." -Joann (New Jersey - Married 29 years)

"It feels so good to have conflict but to address it in a healthy way. There has been nothing like Turnaround Marriage that has helped us in our marriage before. We've tried counseling and conferences and so many things and this has been the first thing that has really helped. Something about this approach spoke to us."

-Paola (Washington - Married 16 years)

"Scott and Rachel are truly called to this and this has been divinely orchestrated by God. To me the investment we made in Turnaround Marriage, we made in each other, it is absolutely something we would recommend. Trust God in it. Scott and Rachel are humble, they are real, and they are the real deal. They have an eternal place in our hearts. Thank you so much!" -Lauren (Pennsylvania - Married 14 years)

"[Turnaround Marriage has helped me] understand my wife and learn to love her again." -Stan (Minnesota - Married 35 years)

When I started this journey with you guys, I never thought I was the problem. I was always pointing the finger at my husband. I have realized all the things I needed to learn, process, unprocess, let go, and grow. I’m celebrating that we have done this together, and that you’ve given us so many tools and support. It’s awesome to see that we are not alone! We have seen this is not the end, this is just the beginning, and we get to keep growing!” -Yasmine (Florida - Married 15 yrs)

"I’m thankful that you’re not judgmental, but you’re honest in your coaching and you’re not afraid to tell us what we need to hear. You do it in a way that we can accept it. The fact that you’re both honest and authentic, you’ve had issues so you understand where you’re at and you’re here to help us. I really love the tools you’ve given us. We love you guys and thank you so much. Nothing happens by accident and I’m just thankful we stumbled upon Turnaround Marriage and found you guys!” -Sherry (Pennsylvania - Married 36 years)

"Turnaround Marriage has helped me by showing me how to have a godly marriage while realistically handling situations within my marriage. I am no longer afraid to voice my concern in a way that is not confrontational. The one on one coaching with Rachel helped a lot in those moments when I was doubting myself or overthinking. Always nice to have someone remind you of your strengths and offer encouragement in areas where it is needed." -Nikki (Ohio - Married 10 years)

"We took a leap and hired a marriage coach. It's been worth every penny! Scott and Rachel helped us to take our marriage to the next level and truly break old habits that were not serving us well. We didn't want a mediocre marriage...we wanted to thrive! And with the help of these amazing God-fearing coaches, we have seen a truly healthy and beautiful marriage grow in a very short time." -Megan (Michigan - Married 9 years)

“Before Turnaround Marriage, even though we loved each deeply, we were stuck in patterns that brought us to the end of our rope. We struggled with forgiveness, trust, communication, and understanding each other. We spent lots of time and money seeking help from other sources, but nothing helped. Fights would last for days and we would talk about divorce, but we both knew that was no more an option than being happily married. We found TM and met Scott and Rachel, and things began changing rapidly. We began [applying what we were learning] to our marriage and everyday lives and it was literally a miracle in our marriage. If you’re struggling in your marriage, we can honestly tell you Turnaround Marriage with Scott and Rachel was used by God to restore and repair our marriage and we encourage you to take a leap of faith because we know TM will help you too.""

-Lori (Michigan - Married 14 years)

"It feels like all of my prayers are being answered!" -Karen (Oregon - Married 45 years)

"I can't believe it! In just 4 weeks, I have never felt this close to my wife in our 29 years of marriage!" -James (Alabama - Married 29 years)

"This experience has allowed my husband and I to feel safe expressing ourselves to one another again and to see that our motivations are rooted in love. I have the power to change my relationship and life by learning more about myself and changing my outlook and behaviors to be more positive and loving." -Felicia (Alabama - Married 29 years)

"[Working with Scott and Rachel] has helped me to alleviate my fears and negativity that were running and ruining my life and replaced those feelings with hope and gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose in my life and in my marriage. It has put us back to being on the same team with Jesus leading us and showing us a better way." -Jim (Kansas - Married 14 years)

"Thank you!!! You are helping us out so much in finding who we truly are again! I truly think your advice helped stopped the cycle day-to-day continuing spiral. You have given us so much hope and inspiration! Grateful for you!"

-Julie (Alabama - Married 33 years)

"What you both do as a couple is meaningful. And for every sincere and humble heart who crosses your path, there is no way, they would not find great and lasting change!" -Emi (Maryland - Married 5 years)

"This has opened my husband up to be able to share his heart and feel safe to do it. Now he's doing things like opening the door for me, I feel so loved now. We finally have the commitment and consistency as well as a shift in perspective. We've made the tools you've given us a part of our every day lives and it's made all the difference; it's so encouraging. We renewed our vows after 30 years! I can honestly say this works. Scott and Rachel do a phenomenal job, you aren't pushy. I can't say thank you enough!" -Sam and Debbie (Florida - Married 32 years)

"I want to celebrate that we went on a day date yesterday! We went out for breakfast. We had never made dates a huge priority before. It was a big deal for us. We ended up having great conversation and really felt connected afterward." -Tina (Texas - Married 19 years)

"I have been in a "funk" many years, especially the last 2. I don't know if it was depression or sadness, I just couldn't get my act together. This program almost right away helped me change my thought process. It has been magical. My marriage has also been saved. The support and tools we have been given have also helped get us "unstuck". We are REALLY enjoying each other again and having FUN!!!! I am most thankful for us developing a relationship with God...together." -Christine (Kansas - Married 14 years)

"My biggest take away is how much Scott and Rachel love the Lord, and want to see marriage succeed. They helped me get myself back in line with the Lord. All the scripture we had to study and read changed my life. So much personal reflection that brought repentance." -Karen (Arkansas - Married 40 years)

"Before Turnaround Marriage, I felt not heard, not understood, not cherished and loved. I lived in constant negativity, disconnection, we had poor conflict resolution and unresolved conflict. I felt unappreciated and lonely. Since diving in, I've learned tools and strategies on how to approach different situations, how to let go of certain emotions and past issues is freeing. I've learned how to be more respectful to my husband and added more gratitude in my marriage. I'm praising God in all circumstances and learning how to put my Villian to death and stepping into my Super hero. Adding laughter in the marriage definitely helps!" -Christina (Michigan - Married 15 years)

"Before [Turnaround Marriage], I was calloused and done, and now we are speaking the same language. We are communicating differently. We are all in a really good place now."

-Elise (Colorado - Married 16 years)

"This program is so uniquely structured I really feel like it gives you the best results over traditional counseling. Not only is it biblically sound, but it also pushes you back towards Christ every time and...He is the one who designed marriage! We have been so tremendously blessed and feel like finding Turnaround Marriage was actually God at work in our lives and in our marriage!"

-Elise (Colorado - Married 16 years)

"My wife told me she was done with our marriage a few weeks ago. It’s been quite a transformation and I’ve been showing up for our marriage differently. We’ve had quite a turnaround in just 8 weeks!” -Mark (Minnesota - 41 years)

"I would highly recommend Turnaround Marriage because it has dramatically changed my life. First off their encouragement and coaching have set me free from a very poor self identity. My relationship with the Godhead has been rekindled. This training is the best discipleship training we have ever had. It is also the best intense marriage growth training Barb and I have been involved with. Scott and Rachel really care and have spoken into our lives. Their material is life changing, and because my life has turned around Barb has blossomed into a vibrant flower. Really awesome to behold. Besides all of that I love myself again so now I can love Barb because I love me.

-Charlie (Tennessee - Married 44 years)

"Turnaround Marriage is the real deal. And, quite possibly THE most effective place for Christians to get practical, effective help for a struggling marriage. You will NOT find more wisdom, commitment, compassion or investment

than you'll find here."

-Lisa (Colorado - Married 27 years)

"If you're willing to put in the work and even do some of the modules, it's WORTH EVERY PENNY!" -Christina (Washington - Married 9 years)

"I don't feel hopeless in our relationship anymore. We actually are enjoying our time together instead of dreading it. We have been laughing together again. We have been making our hugs and kisses longer and more meaningful. Our home is definitely happier. Thank you for the time and effort you put into preparation and meeting with us and praying for us."

-Darlene (Pennsylvania - Married 32 years)

"I’m thankful that you’re not judgmental,

"I wasn't feeling needed and that created problems. We weren't practicing grace with each other. We were in a gridlock. I was detached, checked out, and disconnected. Right away, though I had a sense of hope. Now, we have healing, grace, and have much more connection and open hearts toward each other." -Matthew (Alabama - Married 33 years) yo


"We struggled with disconnection, negative thinking, treating each other as the enemy, being disrespectful in the way we communicated and reacted to one another, as well as, poor conflict resolution. It seemed like we were just going in a circle unable to solve problems which lead to us feeling stress, anger, resentment, despair, and loneliness. Over the years we tried several things: marriage counseling, meeting with pastors, and reading books. While they shifted things momentarily, they lacked practical tools to help us navigate daily real life struggles. Within 2-3 weeks of working in Turnaround Marriage, we were able to be more understanding and empathetic towards each other. We are communicating more effectively with love and respect and are able to resolve conflicts easier and in shorter amounts of time. We have a renewed sense of hope and commitment for/to our marriage, and now we can envision a better future together." -Tina (Texas - Married 19 years)


"I’m celebrating that my husband and I have been learning how to call out each other’s best selves. It feels so good to not just spiral and stay there, but we are giving ourselves grace, we are able to get ourselves out of it. What stood out to me about you guys is you are so real. What I love about Turnaround Marriage is it is biblical, practical, and I love how you add the science because it shows us how God created things. I love that you teach us how to apply the Scriptures practically and scientifically. I love the Word, and sometimes I wonder, how do I apply this? I love that you teach us how to apply it.” -Tina (Texas - Married 19 years)

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you guys for what you're doing it is making all the difference!" -Kelly (South Carolina - Married 38 years)

"It's hard to change and it's hard to break old habits, but I am getting there. And yes she notices, the other day... I told her I had listened to it and elaborated on the points that I felt applied to me and us, her eyes lit up and she said she was so excited that I had took the time to not only to listen to what she had asked but was willing to discuss it and try to grow from it." -Tim (Georgia, Married 33 years)

"Y’all made a huge turnaround difference in our marriage! This has helped not only our marriage, but helped us as individuals. It has helped me tremendously ...and we are getting POURED into instead of just complaining to someone! And the material is so good! A few weeks ago, I called you in a desperate place & NOW we are LEAPS AND BOUNDS ahead of where we were!" -Tamra & Tim (Georgia, Married 33 years)

"I am grateful to God first of all for continuing to work in my husband's heart, for him to be open to the Holy Spirit to teach him, for him investing in Turnaround Marriage after I had left, and to both of you [Scott and Rachel] for allowing God to turn your mess into a message to help couples like my husband and I to have a turned around marriage! Before Turnaround Marriage, I felt like life was being sucked out of me in my marriage. Now, it's way different. I can't wait to have closeness with my husband. He is kind. He cares about my physical health. My transformed husband is concerned if I'm doing too much. I feel loved and cared for, the first time like this in our marriage. I'm literally in tears because of the wonderful man that I had but couldn't see before! It's a 180 degree turnaround for sure! We pray together most nights before we go to sleep. We cuddle in bed. I love it! We communicate like never before. When I get triggered, I have tools from Turnaround Marriage to get out of it and I feel safer and more resilient. God has done a marvelous work in our lives. We are both better people for going through the Turnaround Marriage work and coaching. I left because I believe God wanted me to get out of the way. It was difficult to come back because of the loss of hope for what I had lived with all those years. With God's help and your coaching help, I was able to transition back into what is now a beautiful God-honoring relationship. It’s an amazing thought to realize how good I have it in my marriage now! I tell my husband he has changed so much and he says I have changed. It's so beautiful now. There is peace and joy in our marriage." -Miriam (Illinois - Married 37 years)

"I am so grateful for healing. Not so long ago our marriage was barely hanging on by a thread. But the goodness of God led us to repentance/turnaround. Yes, He used you Scott and Rachel in that Turnaround Marriage and I am so grateful for how God is not only restoring our marriage, but is transforming it into something so much better then we even could have thought of. If it had not been for God's ongoing healing in our hearts, (Phil 1:9) this would not have been possible. Our part is to open our hearts, give God and each other access; otherwise the hurt remains, and we stay stuck. When I look back to 2 years ago, and 1 year ago, there has been so much healing, and for that I am forever grateful to God." -Henry (Tennessee, Married 43 years)

"I just wanted to reach out to you guys and thank you for your help in my healing process! Even though my marriage wasn’t saved, my life was!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used the exercise you taught me about recognizing what I’m feeling, allowing to feel that & then giving it to God! I noticed I haven’t gone to bed crying myself to sleep now & that was almost a nightly thing. So anyways, just wanted to thank you. I finally feel alive and like myself and finding who God wants me to be! So thank you for helping me get there! You are both definitely a blessing in my life! God Bless you BOTH!" -Michelle (Ohio, Married 25 years)

"Before Turnaround Marriage, my husband told me he wanted a divorce. I used to struggle with and felt absence, loss, being untouched, unloved, unheard and unseen. I also struggled with resentment that had built up over many years toward my husband because of these feelings. I was hungry for a real change in my marriage, and I started to see results in the first couple of weeks.I have noticed that my husband has noticed changes in me. He is closer to me emotionally, spiritually and in physical space proximity wise. He is softer and approaches me with a different energy than he has in the last few years. I am happier than I have ever been!" -Sarah (Texas, Married 19 yrs)

"The toughest part of our marriage was feeling misunderstood, unappreciated, and my love was not reciprocated. We basically went to our separate corners every day. But with [Turnaround Marriage], things started changing in the very beginning. Because of the tools you provide, and because of our dedication to do it together, the change happened immediately. We felt a wooing from God, we loved the accountability. You are worth the investment!"

-Chris & Nethra (Missouri - Married 12 years)

"I'm celebrating publicly so God will get his glory!!! From how my husband found out about [Turnaround Marriage] to God’s provision to sign us up to the grace of Jesus to carry us all the way to the end. Looks like a winning team to me and victory is ours! Please look into trained, professional, Christian marriage coaches Scott & Rachel Lawry Turnaround Marriage Program!!! Thank you both for your amazing unique program and hearts to walk people through God's biblical institution of marriage. Trust that I am praying for you two as yall continue to do the work of the Lord. Love you both!" -Nethra (Missouri - Married 12 years)

"We went from belligerent to blessed! We were on the brink of divorce, even though that's not what we wanted. We were just hurting every day and didn't know how long we could keep doing that. We noticed a difference immediately, because of the tools you gave us and because we were committed to doing the work. Our communication now is peaceful and fun! If you're feeling hopeless, Turnaround Marriage will give you hope. The others in the program, the love you will receive, the atmosphere where they are truly for your marriage, it will give you such hope. You're worth the investment. You will benefit so much, and you won't walk away empty-handed." -Chris and Nethra (Missouri - Married 12 years)

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